Life As I See It

Posts tagged “valentines day is for suckers

Happy Valentimes Day

“If my husband needs a special day to remember how great, I am, there’s the door.” ~Cappie


I’m not a big fan of holidays that force people to buy gifts.  It’s just not natural.  Although, I love cards, I only prefer inspirational ones.   They could be found under my pillow, in  my lunch box, on the front seat of my car or anywhere that is not expected, on the spur of the moment, for absolutely no reason.   

Just because I’m not a big fan of this over priced, over rated, suck up because you’re not good enough the rest of the year holiday, doesn’t make it right for people to pronounce it wrong and makes my blood boil when they do.  Especially grown men, in the media, reporting the news on the The Today Show.  I wasn’t paying much attention as I was checking  my email so the first couple of times, I thought, I was hearing things.  After the fourth time I had to rewind and sure enough his lips were pressed together as he said, “Happy Valentimmmmmmes Day.”

Ugh…are you fucking kidding me?

I also hate flowers.  They are a waste of money, they send your allergies through the roof and then they die, causing bad energy within.  And that Vermont teddy bear?  Man, did someone hit the jackpot with that one, zoning in on men who can’t think for themselves. 

What it boils down to is good advertisments for people who can’t think for themselves.  And, even though, that Vermont teddy bear is a complete waste of $100.00, if you bought that for me, say, for Memorial Day, I would be sitting on cloud nine with a grin from ear to ear.  

So, remember it’s the little things in life that you don’t expect that make you feel on top of the world.